Word and Spirit, Spirit and Word
Friday, October 12, 2007 at 11:11AM
Bernie Anderson

I must say that I am humbled and encouraged.  I am grateful that we have a God who is at work - and He is truly great and powerful. 

Last evening we met with the Leaders from our little church.  We are preparing to take the entire church on retreat at a camp outside of the city.  Watch this space next week for more word about that.  Renee' and I felt very led of the Spirit to depart from the lesson that we have been studying, in order to make a simple appeal for unity.  There was not a lot of teaching.  We simply looked at what God's Word says about the importance of unity in the church and how the Scripture is clear in it's call to humility and that we are commanded not to judge each other.  We asked a few simple questions of application (i.e., are you being judgmental? Are you committed to unity?) and then waited on the Lord.  After several uncomfortable minutes of dead silence, several began to confess to each other that they had been judging one another.  There was confession and forgiveness and tears.  We believe that this group is now in a place where God can bless them with His presence at camp this weekend, and we enter into this time more encouraged than before.

I am reminded once again of the incredible power of the Word of God and the Spirit of God.  He is active and at work.  I am so amazed at this little group of new believer's willingness to simply respond.  I walked out into the cold Mongolian air late last night with gratitude in my heart.  I remembered a little quote by my spiritual mentor James Hudson Taylor (though he's dead, he still speaks).  I had to look it up this morning to get the phrasing exactly right.

"We give too much attention to method and machinery and resources, and too little to the source of power."

The Word is power.  The Spirit is Power.  Together they will do their work to make our God famous in the hearts of men and women.  I can't speak Mongolian very well.  I can't teach.  I don't understand culture.  I am tired all the time.  But it's not about me or what I can do.  It's not about method, machinery, resources, ability, education, giftedness, strength of mind, heart, or will.  The battle is His.  The ability to conquer is His.  The Glory is His.  What we can do is walk in the rhythm of the path that God intended for the workers in His vineyard.  Word and Spirit.  Spirit and Word.


Below are some photos from last week's meeting.  Please pray for these young people.  They become more precious to us with each passing week.  The young man's name is Saugie.  He is spiritually sensitive and a key person in our church.  I believe he may be the future pastor.  Also pray for Undraa, Onon, Doggi and Mika. (Ochkoo and Nyimka are also a part of this group, but not pictured here).  Pray for our church retreat this weekend.  Your partnership with us is critical.  We are grateful for it. 





(These Photos were taken by Jenn Whiteman. Thanks to Josh and Jenn and Deb and Jeff for taking the time to come to Mongolia and photograph and video our story)
Article originally appeared on Remember Mongolia (https://www.remembermongolia.org/).
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