The Mysterious Muttering Monk in Apartment #5
Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 10:16AM
Bernie Anderson
9/5/2007 - Update: Our monk neighbor is alive and well. I saw him early this morning in the parking lot as I was walking the dog. He stayed a safe distance from my vicious animal. The commotion from a few weeks ago still is an unknown to us, adding greater mystery to our muttering monk. I wonder if monks are allowed to play cards or dominoes? Maybe we should have him over for a game of spades...(or five-card stud?).

robesAcross the hall and two floors down at apartment number 5 lives a monk. He is not a monk like St. Augustine or Luther or Friar Tuck. He is a Tibetan Buddhist. I don't see him too often - but often enough to know that he's there in his maroon and saffron colored robes. He wears the same colors as my old high school, and I confess to being tempted at times to look for the small 'trojan' mascot insignia on his right shoulder.

He's terrified of my dog. Literally - he's terrified. If I happen to meet him in the stairway after walking her, he sees her and freezes in his tracks. He starts muttering something unintelligible. I don't know if he's cursing her or praying to whatever god he prays to for help against this vicious and wild beast. After my repeated assurances that she's 'okay' and that she doesn't bite - I have to hold her by the collar and shield him from her with my body. He will finally pass, and only at that point even acknowledging that I am there with a traditional Mongolian greeting.

In reality I don't actually 'see' him that often. Occasionally he leaves with some of his monk-ish friends. I have seen him with friends or family members loading a vehicle with what looks to be camping equipment. I suppose he is going to the countryside for some R&R. Most of the time, I don't actually see him. I just know he's there. People are always coming and going from his apartment. I assume they are visiting him for advice or healing or blessing of some sort. Every morning I can smell the pungent odor of incense in the hallway as I pass his door. I know he's there. But I don't know what he's doing

I confess I have a real curiosity about the monk who lives at apartment number 5. I wonder what he does during the day when he's not camping or giving advice. Does he play cards or watch television or enjoy Sumo wrestling? There is a lady who shares the apartment with him. They are both older - but I don't how old they are. Who is this lady? Is she his sister? Wife? Concubine? What does he eat? Does he eat meat or just herbs and potatoes? What are his dreams about life and what are his expectations for the life hereafter? What are his opinions about politics? Are those robes 'dry-clean' only?

There's a sense in which this monk in my building represents everything I don't understand about this country and its way of thinking and way of being. I don't understand it, but I want to understand it - problem being, I don't know how to ask. And even if it's explained to me, I don't really understand the answers.

The other day an ambulance pulled into the drive of our building. Two doctors got out and entered into apartment number 5. Later than day, I saw a young girl crying in the hallway outside of his door, and another older lady comforting her. Yesterday, two ladies dressed in black went to his place and were met by the woman who lives there - also dressed in black. I've asked our building security people if they knew if anything happened to the Monk in apartment five. They shook they're heads and said "we don't know" - and went back to their card game. I hope he's just sick. Maybe he died. I don't know if I'll ever see the monk again.

I sort of wish that I had the opportunity to get to know him and could have talked with him about books and movies and politics and food and Sumo wrestling. I also wish I could have understood his thinking about God and had the opportunity to share with him all that God has revealed about Himself in His Word. I wish there had been opportunity (and ability!) to share good news with him. I have decided that I am going to make it a point to get to know a Buddhist monk or two. I want to find out the answers to some of these things. I would also like to find out what really happened to the monk in apartment number 5.

For now, like so many things about this country, he remains a mystery.

Article originally appeared on Remember Mongolia (
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