My 10 Things
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 11:32PM
Bernie Anderson
As of November 1, 2008 I am 41. Typically my birthday/holiday season is a catalyst for a time of reflection for me. I don’t know exactly why that is. Perhaps my upbringing. Perhaps some obscure sense of obligation to reflect during the holidays. I am sure that there is no reason to avoid mid-year, fourth-of-July seasonal reflection, as well. It just tends to come most naturally for me from November to December.

This year I am thinking about all of the things that I’d really like to do over the next months and year - and some lamenting over the realities of life that will most likely keep me from accomplishing all of them. However, in my lamentations I have been smacked in the mouth from a couple of unexpected sources.

1. This blog entry (along with this one) from Merlin Mann’s 43-folders. For our more sensitive readers, I’ll forewarn you that Merlin can have a bit of a potty mouth. On the other hand, I really appreciate the shift that he’s taking on his web site. It’s too easy to sit around lamenting (like I was) and wile away hours looking for ‘tips and tricks’ and ‘lifehacks’ and all kinds of other time-wasters, instead of actually writing, or editing or running or playing. The real work of learning how to make cool stuff involves a process of making some really bad stuff. It’s how we learn. On more than one level, through pain (whether the pain of life or the pain of making stuff that looks like garbage) we grow and learn. Like it or not, that’s God’s intention. So I need to embrace it ... and get to work.

2. Another place that I’ve been helped greatly is a recent series of blog posts from CJ Mahaney’s ‘view from the cheap seats’. His words regarding busyness and laziness are helpful and convicting. The bottom line and elemental issue with time management, productivity and the battle against laziness is the Gospel. CJ does a fantastic job bringing the peripheral issues to the ultimate issue: Christ died and rose again to defeat sin ... including the sin or procrastination and laziness.

So through this holiday season, while we are Stateside, I am going to work at defeating the sin of procrastination and laziness through the work of Christ - and by dealing with those issues openly and in a ‘head-on’ manner.

In light of that, here are 10 things that I would like to do or learn how to do, but have been too much of a sluggard to either start or to complete (or that I have been too much of a coward to go through the pain of creating the cruddy stuff required to complete the process of learning to make something really good):

1. Make really good videos
2. Take really good pictures
3. Write a book that will be a Missions Mobilization resource geared for US pastors (and give it away for free)
4. Learn CSS and XHTML (in at least a basic level)
5. Run a half-marathon (and/or a whole marathon)
6. Create
7. Learn Old Mongolian Script
8. Learn Final Cut Express ... well
9. Learn to use the Panasonic DVX-100a camera ... well
10. Have the ability to pray and to teach the Bible in Mongolian

I am sure this is not a horribly interesting blog post for many. But it’s one I needed to write and publish. It helps me to see this list, and then begin to think and pray about what actions I need to take in order to make these things happen. If, perchance, this does grab your attention, I would be interested in hearing your list, as well.

Article originally appeared on Remember Mongolia (
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