Looking for a KhanGuest blog from Jeremy Fields
Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 1:32PM
Bernie Anderson
My people perish for lack of a khan...

In a land of democracy and hardship, competition is fierce and oppression is rampant. All of our "freedoms" are killing my people - a humble family paying 560% per month for a $5 loan, a young man harassed by the police and afraid of taking it to court, children learning English from rap music, unemployed men who turn to drinking, employed men who drink as soon as they are paid, foreign companies who mine our country's resources or delay on paying salaries, families who have not saved a single cent for the long winter, a prime minister who resigns suspiciously, neighbors who build higher and thicker fences, a handicapped boy who stays home and plays video games instead of going to school, crumbling roads and a faltering river system, officials who are convinced their people are poor and helpless, families who never turn off their TVs, two neighbors who have had their electricity cut off, other neighbors who can't pay $1.50 to paint their own fence, people who pay back loans in order to get bigger loans, the gradual loss of cultural skills and pride, young people having children before marriage, plastic bags like tumbleweed across the steppe, increasing thieves who take whatever is not locked up, coal sellers who cheat their customers with rocks, drunk men fighting or laying in the street, couples threatening separation, toddlers with rotting teeth, citizens with no hope, no ideas, and no unity whatsoever...

If only the Father of Heaven would send us another khan - one who would rule with a rod of iron and whose empire would never crumble, one who would bring justice to the afflicted and light to the stumbling, one who would cause the righteous to flourish and the land to abound with good things, one who would restore glory and respect for his people among the nations, one who would have mercy on the weak and rescue them from enemies, one whose name would endure and all would call him blessed by God... full of wisdom and authority and power... forever.

Oh, if such a khan existed my people could hope once more. We wait, in desperation and tears, for Your anointed O God! We cry out for Your chosen to teach us fear and obedience, that we might be free from the plagues of our own freedom! How long must we suffer for lack of order and community?! There is no one to help, there is no one endowed with holiness and authority to lead us. Answer our prayer and send us Your khan, with signs and wonders, that all the nations might see and be glad this Christmas...

Psalm 72 (plus 100s of years of history, both from ancient Israel as well as Mongolia here and now).

(This was written by my friend and team member Jeremy Fields. Be sure to check out the "Fields of the Harvest" website and blogspot.)
Article originally appeared on Remember Mongolia (https://www.remembermongolia.org/).
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