The Feast of Vernal Equinox
Monday, March 23, 2009 at 6:53AM
Bernie Anderson
Four of us went stayed in a small ger (small, round Mongolian tent) in the countryside outside of Ulaanbaatar this weekend - it happened to be the day tides turn and we start getting a little more sunshine up here in the North.

Our Ger and a Dog

We intended to do a little fishing, but that didn't happen. The River was frozen solid, so we just hiked up and down the river and climbed a couple of nearby bluffs, instead.

Frozen Fish


We ate well, discussed life, theology and ministry, stargazed, laughed a lot - and celebrated God's goodness together. So, in spite of frozen rivers and continued sub-freezing temperatures it was a great weekend ... and we now know where to go catch some fish when the Spring thaws actually salvage the river from winter's grip.


Interior Fellowship

Article originally appeared on Remember Mongolia (
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