
My Dad's Last Service

We had our last service at church where my dad will be the pastor today. I was sad because it will probably be the last time my dad and mom will be at our church for a long time. But I know that I will be there again in June and July before we fly to Mongolia. So I am happy about that. I will be there for youth group too. I don't think I was as sad as my mom and dad because I know that I will be there again. We sang my favorite song that we sing at church "Blessed be your name", and Miss Lisa sang " For the Glory of the Lord". Mr. Trainer talked about holding the rope for our family. That made me feel a lot better because I know that our church will be praying for my family in Mongolia. I know that God will take care of us.


A First Post

Sunrise in Darkhan 


Prayer Flags

Buddhist Prayer Flags
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