
April 2013 pray:Mongolia Podcast

Welcome to this month's podcast!  I'm very excited about this month's video. I am asking that you pray this month for the children of Mongolia, and particualrly that you pray for the work that is taking place in the ger communities of Ulaanbaatar. The podcast video for this month gives more information about this. 

Use this in your church, small group, community prayer times ... any gathering where you might pray for Mongolia. 

You can get the video in several different ways: 


Subscribe on iTunes

Watch and Download from Vimeo

Or get a small version from the link below.

Thanks for your partnership with us!

April 2013 Podcast


pray:Mongolia March 2013

We're still facing sub-freezing temperatures every night, but the days are generally growing warmer. However, "Spring" in Mongolia is nothing like "Spring" in Tennessee. There are no flowers. There's no green grass. It's a lot of wind and dust. Spring is the most difficult time of the year in this country. 

Here is a video of my Mongolian friend and team mate talking about the difficulties of Spring. Please use this video in your church, Sunday School or prayer groups.

For this month's prayer times, we ask that you pray for Mongolia, Mongolians and International workers in the this most trying time of the year. 


You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, watch it on Vimeo, or download it through the link below.


Thank you for your partnership with us!


March Podcast


pray:Mongolia January 2013

The pray:Mongolia padcast is back! 

Please take a moment to download and watch this month's video, and to share it with your pray:Mongolia prayer group. We hope that this will be fodder for prayer this month as you commit our workers and our Monglian staff to the care of Christ: body, soul and spirit. 

The easiest thing to do is to subscribe to the podcast at iTunes. 

You may also download a hi-def version of the video on Vimeo to show in larger group settings. 

You may also download and watch the video right here on our website. 


Thanks so much for praying for Mongolia!





pray:Mongolia October 2012 Podcast

This month we're spending a little time with our field director couple, Dennis and Marilyn Maves, in order to talk about the prayer topic for this month: Team safety. One of the big issues for consistant, and perhaps even daily, prayer is that of health and safety of our team members and Mongolian staff. Accidents, porr health conditions, muggings, poor road conditions - and ultimately spiritual activity -  are all factors that lead to potential harmful situations. 

Prayer is the first and most important work. 

Check out other prayer requests at the CAMA Mongolia websiteContact me if you need the password.  

You can subscribe in iTunes or you can download the video from Vimeo ... or just click on the link below. 

Thanks for praying! 

October 2012 Podacst


pray:Mongolia Podcast for September 2012

This month we have a great interview with our ESL Headmistress from OZ!  Check out the podcast and pray for Mongolia! 


You may also check out other prayer requests at the CAMA Mongolia website. Contact me if you need the password.  

You can subscribe in iTunes or you can download the video from Vimeo ... or just click on the link below. 

Thanks for praying! 



September 2012