RememberMongolia Podcast #2: A Conversation on Partnerships
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 4:02PM
Bernie Anderson
Last month our field was blessed by a visit from a vision team from Northern California. This team was interested in exploring ways that their churches could partner with us here in Mongolia. We spent an evening discussing what this partnership might look like. I think this is a beneficial discussion for anyone who is interested in leading the local church into a ministry partnership.

There are five partnership points that will highlight this partnership.
1. Strategic Prayer
2. Communication and Connectedness
3. Partner Care
4. Financial Resourcing
5. Short Term Teams

Listen in while these points and others are discussed.

If there are any who would be interested in knowing more about Partnerships with us in Mongolia, please contact us. We'd love to talk to you more about these Kingdom Building possibilities!

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Article originally appeared on Remember Mongolia (
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