
13th Birthday

Cori has now entered into the formidable teenage years.  She had a great time celebrating with her international entourage of friends.  India, Norway, Korea, Kazakhstan, Mongolia ... they all gathered in our living room for a little DDR, cake and ice cream. 

Happy Birthday, Cori.


Birthday party



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Reader Comments (2)

Happy Birthday, Cori!
Thirteen was in some ways the worst and other ways the best year of my life. Because of the "worst" part, I started getting serious about God for real, and things I started learning then have stuck with me to this old age :). Glad we can be part of your life!

December 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterNaomi

CORI!! My nephew Drew was here last week and it took him FOREVER to eat his chicken! It reminded me so much of little Cori!! =)

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