
The Waning Summer

The days are getting cooler - and noticeably shorter.  The short Mongolian Summer is coming to an end. 

Friday's Photo is of our team that is currently in Mongolia.  We recently had our Field Forum at the Mongolian Secret Histories Ger Camp.  The camp is named after a famous book that was supposedly written by Chengis Khan chronicling the ancient history of Mongolia.  We had a great time getting to know our new team members Brent and Lisa Liberda and there kids, along with the new Darhan MK school teacher Kirsten Hewitt.  We had several team members absent from forum this year for various reasons, so it was a small year.  Our hope and prayer is that next year will be a much larger group! 


On another note, I have been working on a field website this summer.  I hope to have it finished by the end of this week.  You can go to to see what has been finished so far.  The purpose of this site it to encourage partnerships with individuals, US churches and Districts.  Check it out and pray about how you might be able to partner with us for His Name and Renown in Mongolia. 

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Reader Comments (3)

I miss you guys! I wish I could have come back just for that week!

September 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Lisa -
We missed you too! Your presence was noticably absent. I have your email from the other day - but my computer sort of died ... or at least went to sleep for a few days. I am hoping to get it fixed by tomorrow - at which time I can respond to email in a more timely fashion. Hope your classes are going well!


September 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbernie

Hi Bernie!

I work in the video office and am doing research to prepare for our trip to Mongolia at the end of the month. I came across the CAMA Mongolia page you are doing, and I think this is an EXCELLENT resource for churches here in the US. I do missions mobilization at my church here in Colo Spgs...the amount of current stories, pictures, prayer requests, partnership opportunities you have posted is a HUGE help. This is so exciting for me to see! I think that you can do a better job of communicating these things than we ever could from over here...and I want to encourage other fields to look at what you are doing and consider doing the same. Keep up the good work!

Looking forward to meeting you in a couple weeks.

All for Jesus,


September 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

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