
Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

After a lot of running around and hassle - and a little help from a friend - we have the sign up at our new student center. People constantly ask what it is that we are doing here. Several have wanted to know if we are opening a bar or a pub. I tell them, "no - just the opposite. We are opening a place for young people to come and study, drink tea or coffee, and hang out with friends."

It's called the "Grain of Wheat Student Center"

We now have a lighted sign to let people know who we are.

Center front

Center Sign

There will be a quiet opening this Friday, as we finish up repairs and work on operating procedures as well as work out the kinks.

We will hopefully have a grand opening on December 5th.

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Reader Comments (2)

Very Cool!! Did Joel have anything to do with the sign?? How did the "quilet" opening go yesterday??

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarilyn

It is a Graphics Lab design!

We weren't quite ready to open yesterday. I think it will be on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. I am ready to be done with renovations!

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbernie

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