
Happy Reunions, Joyous Fellowship

Last Sunday we had the opportunity to spend some time with new and old friends at Faith Community Church, our church home. It was a blessing to see so many friends. We reminisced and had the privilege to share our current life and ministry in Mongolia.

Below is the original group of folks that we joined with in 1993 to "restart" the Franklin church.

FCC Reunion w/o kids

Of course, at the time Jonathan was only a year old and our friends John and Darlena Fox's son Jarod was about 6 or 7 and their daughter Emily was a newborn. None of the other folks in the picture above had children. Of course that's changed somewhat since then.

FCC Reunion with kids

Finally, here is a shot of our family with David and Natanya Yoder and their family. David has taken on the job I used to have, pastoring the church in Franklin. We're happy to be in joyous fellowship with Pastor Yoder, and look forward to years of working together - although on different continents, we serve the same purpose.


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