
The Dust Man Cometh

I went for a run yesterday morning to clear skies and a beautiful sunrise.

By the time we took our break during class, the skies had darkened, the wind picked up speed - and in came the sands of the Gobi.  We had a horrific dust storm yesterday.  When we got home from school , we realized that we had made the mistake of leaving one of our windows open.  There was a thick layer of black and yellow dust all over the window sill.  It was quite amazing to see the massive amounts of dust and dirt that was in the air.  Here are a few shots from the pedestrian walkway that is a short distance from our apartment.


Normally you can see the mountains behind the blue circus building quite clearly.  It was starting to clear up at this point.  Previously the mountains were completely invisible.  It's supposed to be quite warm today (70's!), and there's a possibility of snow tomorrow. 

Ahhh ... springtime in Mongolia...

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Reader Comments (1)

sands storms...boy they sure were a lot of fun in Saudi...our prayers are with you.

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