
Shish-Kebobs and Bow & Arrows: Things at a Mongolian Language School Graduation Party

Today we officially graduated from language school. Sort of. Our school took us all to a place little way outside of UB and had a little "Ceremony of Certificates". Afterwards we cooked shish-kabobs and had a small Mongolian bow-and-arrow demonstration. Renee' brought a couple of awesome tasting salads. Bernie has decided that archery is an activity he would like to explore a little more.

I say we are "sort of" graduated, because we still have to go to class for one more week. Go figure.

Here are some photos of the day's activities.


Bernie's final exam was translating Mongolian into English for the new students.


Finished! (After next Thursday...)


Bow and Arrows ... I want one

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Reader Comments (2)

Look at you guys! Yak polos and all!! We're proud and amazed! Has it really been that long!

btw, Yak polos are selling! It's pretty neat and flooding me with ideas. =)

Great Job!! Glad to see you made it through (we couldn't :), can't wait to see you guys in a month or so.

June 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff II

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