
Jonathan Was Here

Well, it wasn't our Jonathan (as you can see). This Jonathan is a tad younger. Our Jonathan is still in the States with Cori having a great time with Grandparents and other friends.


We have had an enormous and unprecedented amount of rain over the past two weeks. Yesterday, while our friends Doggi and Erka were in the city, we had another big rain storm and the road going out to their home (outside of the city) had become impassibly flooded. So they ended up spending the night with us. We enjoyed chatting with them, and were entertained by one-year-old Jonathan (his Mongolian name is yuroolu - which means 'blessing').


It was fun to have a one-year old hanging around as a house guest. But we do miss our own two teenagers.

This week marks the end of language school and the beginning of a busy summer. Stay tuned for a soon to be released podcast that will give all the details!

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Reader Comments (1)

He is so cute....and believe me, you are not missing much-a few grunts in your general direction-that's about it.

June 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

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