
Meet the Parents 2

Friday's Photos (once again on Sunday - go figure) are a few shots from the past two weeks of hanging out with "Grandmom and Granddad" in Ulaanbaatar. In spite of sickness, lack of hot water and a broken oven, I think we managed to enjoy one another's company and have a great time together. We were able to spend the afternoon yesterday out at Terelj National Park (where an episode from last season's Amazing Race took place) for a picnic of misadventures that you can read about here.

I will be posting more photos in a new gallery entitled "Meet the Parents 2". Last spring "Grammy and Pop" came to visit us, so you can also check out the "Meet the Parents" gallery. Both the original and the sequel were fantastic times...

Black Market
Visit to the "Khar Zakh" (Black Market) ... There are a lot of shoes there.

Inside Mercury Zakh
We took them shopping at "Mercury" - this is the store where we do a lot of grocery shopping

picnic at terelj
We spent an afternoon at the National Park

Cori and Jeanie
Cori took her best friend Jeanie

Sadie and the Cow
We took Sadie (our dog). She and Jonathan had a little run in with a cow

Daughter and Dog
Sadie also REALLY liked the water. As did Cori...

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