
Running To Win

More to come on this, but here's the statistical run down from Youth Camp (I know, I don't like it when it's just about the numbers, either - but I wanted to get something up this morning!):

1. 110 young people attended the first ever CAMA Mongolia International Youth Camp

2. 10 young people moved from being unbelievers to believers.

3. 90 Young people committed to "Running the Race" for God's glory.

4. A 7 member Youth Council was selected from among the youth leaders for the purpose of encouraging and equipping youth leaders and planning future events for the CAMA Churches in Mongolia.

A fuller write-up and more photos to come!


(90+ Students committing to 'Run the Race')


(Friends from around the world)


(Fun and games, as well!)


(The First CAMA International Youth Camp!)

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Reader Comments (4)

Thanks for the post! Just thought you'd like to know that you were just mentioned over at Missionary Blog Watch. Keep up the great blogging! :)

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMissionary Blog Watch

Praise God. May Christ reign over Mongolia

July 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmrita

Just found your blog from the missionary blog site. I praise the Lord for your work in Mongolia! The pictures are beautiful, and it's great to see how God is using you. God bless you!

August 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTina

Let's keep Run to win guys.
Darkhan 1 Dow.

May 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGerlay

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