
Friday Photos - Flashback Friday Edition

Thanks to the Internet and particularly social networks like Facebook, we find ourselves connecting with people with whom we had long since lost connection. So, for those of you who are new to our website, we’re going to borrow from our friend Kellie’s blog and make our Friday Fotos a “Flashback Friday” and bring you up to speed.


After our marriage (yes, we understand this is way back but bear with us) in 1989 -- making next year the big 2 - 0 -- we spent three years in Memphis in secular employment and lay ministry in an Alliance church there. We both felt called to missions and were taking time to adjust to life together and see exactly where we were to go.


Jonathan joined us in 1992 and just before his first birthday Bernie accepted a call to pastor a church in Franklin, Tennessee. Yes, we know. It was a surprise to us as well, but a very clear direction. God’s reasons for that were His own, but His wisdom in that was abundantly clear as we learned how to walk with Him in His work.


Cori was born our second year in Franklin. Faith Community Church was a great place for a young family and we got to walk through the parenting process with many good friends. It certainly had its ups and downs, but we loved our church family and totally enjoyed pastoral ministry.


As a matter of fact, it was our desire to stay there a very long time. But....

During our 13 years there we were able to take quite a few short term missions trips. This was something that had been an important part of our life as singles, and was a double blessing as a couple. There was still that spark deep down that had never died, however, so each time we would visit a field, we would be open to God. Was He calling us there? It seemed like no matter where we went, we always returned with a certainty that we were exactly in the place God would have us be. With that certainty came peace and joy.

That is until November 2003. As part of her ministry on a Missions Mobilization team through the C&MA national office, Renee’ took part in a conference in Thailand. Each of the eight team members were requested to lead an extension trip before or after that conference and of course as we are a team, Bernie was also able to participate (actually he did most of the work). We requested the China extension, but two other members who had been before were given those two trips. However, since you go through Beijing to get to Mongolia we were told that if we led that trip we could have a few days between to see China.

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We had no idea that would be the life-changing trip. As a matter of fact, Mongolia was the first country we visited where Renee’ didn’t even want to go. We were barely here for a week. But that week we were able to spend with the Mongolian believers, became something we couldn’t forget. Just this week when asked her first impression of Mongolia as short termer replied, “I feel like I’ve come home.” Aaahh, we know the feeling.

When we returned home this time, we no longer had that sense that pastoral ministry in Franklin was what we were supposed to do. We had sat with little groups who were amazed that of our small team of seven, four of them were pastors. They just couldn’t believe there were four pastors in one room. There were very few pastors here, as a matter of fact few men believers.

God never wastes a situation. We would never say that God put us in pastoral ministry only to prepare us for Mongolia. God doesn’t do that. However, we see now that His purposes for us there were for more than ministry to that congregation. It was to prepare us for next assignment. As a matter of fact, most of our previous experiences have in some way been part of His training. We believe that is always the case for all of us.

So, to sum this up, we went home and after a few weeks we talked and realized we were both still not able to put Mongolia in the past. So we prayed. We had several reasons why we could not come to Mongolia. We’re grateful for those hurdles. We saw them come down, one by one, as God confirmed His call. In the fall of 2004 we made the phone call to the candidate office of the C&MA. We spent the next year in the applicant process. In December 2005 we were officially approved and in January 2006 dropped the bomb to our family and friends. We left the US for Ulaanbaatar July 24, 2006.

Now our newbie readers know The Rest of the Story.

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Reader Comments (6)

Awww...what a nice surprise! It was great to see the photos and read your story!....even though I'm vaguely familiar with it already. =)

September 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKellie

Wow! I remember that 2003 trip! You guys came to visit my little four student school for Open House (they were very nervous with all the new people!). I'm so glad God called and you obeyed!

September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Sevast

Kellie: how'd you know... :)

Lisa: We sure do miss you! I still remember you sitting Pastor Jeff in the corner. You run a tight ship... hope wedding plans are going well!

September 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBernie

Love the photos! Thanks for sharing them and the whole story. Maybe Mark will write a companion blog . . . I don't know if we'll show the wedding pic though! How's the puppy? Annika still wishes for it, Mark is still holding out against it. . .

October 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark & Cinda

Baby Cori sure loved her various hats. And she looked good in them too

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPop

I am a "newbie" reader so it was great to read your story and see pics. As retirees, my husband am I are "tentmaking" in Malaysia. I am enjoying reading your thoughts on your ministry. Thank you

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPam Wise

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