
To Korea Then To Cold

Today we will actually have Friday Photos on Friday!

We have several pictures to share with you today. First, on our way back from the US we had to spend the night in Incheon, Korea (town near the Seoul airport). When we arrived at the airport to catch our flight back to Ulaanbaatar, we ran into a couple of families who are friends and whose kids go to school with our kids. Jonathan and Cori had a good time in the airport reuniting with friends.

Friends in the Korean Airport

Here are the MacBook twins ...
Mac Rules, PC Drools

After arriving in Mongolia, the temps have dropped pretty drastically. This thermometer is right outside our window and is in reality about 15-20 degrees warmer than the actual outside temperature. This was in reality about what yesterday's high was! I am personally happy that I have a new coat and hat...

today's high is...

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Reader Comments (2)

DAD. i reallyyyy don't like that picture of me. take it off please???

January 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercori

You look cute. The picture is set in stone. Don't think of it as a picture of you. Think of it as a picture of your new computer...

January 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbernie

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