
Cheesecake 2009

Every year around the time of Renee's Birthday, my (Bernie's) challenge is to make a Cheesecake of the Birthday Girl's choice. I must say that this year's choice was superb. Renee' picked a Dulce De Leche Cheesecake with a Caramel topping. While it probably isn't the prettiest looking cheesecake, I've ever made ... it may very well have been the best tasting.

Good ingredients and good help are the key ...

And of course we know the essential ingredient is Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese. Nothing else will do. We imported this for just this occasion.
The Key Ingredient

My first assistant was Cori's Puppy who made sure that nothing edible was left on the floor.
Floor Cleaner Upper

Cori makes a lovely server.
The Lovely Assistant

And it was a delicious final product that we all enjoyed immensely.
Dulce De Leche

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