
Yak Polo 2009

It's here! It's time! The Yak Polo 2009 tee shirt is now on sale!

For those who will be attending the C&MA General Council in Louisville, be sure to go by the Yak Polo/Vision for Chile booth. You may purchase a tee shirt there, as well. Friday at Council is "Yak Polo Friday", so we want to get group pictures of all who are wearing Yak Polo so we can make some great additions to our Yak Polo Around the World Photo Gallery!

You can simply click on the link below, download and fill out the order form and soon, you too, will be wearing the stylish new design.

Order yours today!

Yak Polo 2009 Order Form

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Reader Comments (3)

is it too late to order one??

December 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjozee hofman

Never too late! I will contact you personally with the order details.

December 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbernie

I actually have a yak and we plan to ride him when he gets big enough! I gotta have a shirt...send me the info :-D


December 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKathy

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