
The Return of Friday Photos

I don't entirely know if this is a feature that anyone cares about. However, I have fun with it, so I am happy to bring it back! Here are Friday photos for this week. It's been a busy week. But every morning I usually get up early and either go for a run or take a walk through the city, before there are any crowds of people and streams of cars, buses and taxis. This morning, I went with my camera in hand. Here are the results ...

Our Gate Pups

Watch Dog
We have a dog that hangs around outside our apartment. Jonathan and Cori have quite affectionately called her "Delilah" and she has sort of been adopted by the guard, as well as many of the folks who live here. Well, about six weeks ago Delilah had puppies. There were five. It's down to three. I am hoping the other two aren't being stashed in Cori's room for safekeeping...

Mongolian Subway

Sub sandwhiches
We have a relatively new sandwich place across the street from our home. It's like "Subway" ... sort of. It's actually pretty good and it's nice to be able to get a quick sub sandwich on the go. I don't know why, but I get a kick out of the name.

Burnt out MPRP Headquarters
This is sort of iconic, in a sense. The new president of Mongolia is NOT MPRP (socialist party). This is the MPRP headquarters that was burnt out last July 1st during the riots after the parliamentary elections. This year a new president was elected from the Democratic party. Time will tell the results of this change.

Suhkbaatar Square in the AM

Usually the Square is full of people. This morning it was essentially empty, with the exception of a few joggers. Of course it was only 6:30 AM. As a general rule, Mongolians are NOT morning people. At this time of day its usually just the street sweeper, some cab drivers and a few drunks leftover from that the night before that are still out.

... oh, and odd foreigners taking pictures.

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