
July 4, 2009 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

This is sort of a "Friday Photos: Special Edition". I wanted to post a few shots of our Fourth of July at the American Embassy (and Mormon Church) sponsored picnic. It was a windy, rainy 50 something degrees. Not the typical heat and sweat of July 4th's that I remember from the past.

It was also a bit of a strange Independence Day in other ways, too. There were lots of white shirts and name tags, along with Mongolian girls dressed as German Beer Maids (October-fest ... Fourth of July ... about the same kind of holiday, right?) However, we did enjoy the genuine Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs, as well as the pig roast with friends and team members. It was a fun day. Here are a few pictures that captured the afternoon.

And a final bit of news. I've decided to raise a little bit more money in our car fund, trade in the Toyota Land Cruiser and purchase this:



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