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RememberMongolia Podcast #1: The Mongolian Winter

Here is our first! This is the first installation of the RememberMongolia podcast. In this episode you will learn a little about the Mongolian winter season. It's more than just cold!

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Reader Comments (7)

Enjoyed your pod cast. Will not complain when it gets down to freezing. I'll take Mongolia in the Spring. Looking foward to the second one to hear the Southern Ca. comments. Love, Grammy

January 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKathy Anderson

Nice first podcast! Look forward to more!

January 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScott Anderson

Yea! That was awesome! It great to hear a voice! I totally agree that the last five "nines" are pretty cold! :) Know that I'm praying for you guys!

January 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Awesome, Bernie! I can relate to the cold!!! May god richly bless you, Renee', Jonathan, and Cori! Remember: "Meat is for Men, Grass is for Animals!" Nogo, San Bish!

NORTHERN California!
Not Central or Southern....
Yah Naah!

We love you guys...the new podcast is AMAZING!!!!

January 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLarry and Krista Lain

Hey! This is so cool! I look forward to many more!
Miss you guys!

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