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RememberMongolia Podcast #3:Is there Life After Language School? 

Well, here is Podcast #3 - way overdue. It's been a busy, hectic and somewhat difficult Spring. But Spring AND language School are over! This podcast contains a preview of our Summer and a few updates on ministry and partnership opportunities.

I also mention in the podcast a couple of upcoming giving opportunities. You may do this online or you may designate giving through your local C&MA Church.

You can subscribe to the RememberMongolia podcast on iTunes by searching for "Remember Mongolia" in the iTunes store. Then just hit "subscribe" and you will not miss an episode.

Hope you enjoy the podcast and thank you for your continued partnership with us for the Name and renown of Jesus in Mongolia.

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Reader Comments (2)

Love the podcast....We are so stoked as well to see you very soon!

June 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLarry and Krista Lain

Wow. so great to hear your voice! nice sound bites =)

July 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

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