
Tsagaan Sar 2009

I am going to try and make up for the fact that our website was down because of hackers (i.e., 30 something males who have no life, no job, and still live with their mother) by adding new content. So here are some past "Friday Photo's" that should have been posted a week or so ago.

These are pictures taken of a couple of families that were visited during this year's Tsagaan Sar. If you are a new reader to this blog, Tsagaan Sar means "White Moon" and is a huge "new year" type of celebration that takes place in Mongolia every year. It typically happens around the traditional "Chinese New Year". However, it will not always take place at the same time. The idea is to visit homes of friends and family and to welcome the new year by sharing traditional Mongolian food and drink together.

This year Renee' was sick, and Bernie had meetings in Darhan - so on the way to Darhan Bernie, along with Dennis and Marilyn Maves, stopped by the homes of two of our UB Students: Haliuna (our house helper) and Onon (the manager at our Student Center). We enjoyed meeting their families and sharing in the Tsagaan Sar celebration.

Onon's Mother and family
Onon and with Mom and sibling's family

Ger Dotor
We celebrated with Haliuna's family, as well. This was the first time her father had met a foriegner.

Tsagaan Sar in Baruun Haraa

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