
Spring Storms

My apologies to anyone who tried to access our website, only to get a warning from Google that we are malware distributors. No worries. That's not what we do here, and the site is now fixed. It seems that we were hacked and that someone did put some malicious code into our otherwise friendly website.

In any case, we are now safe and we want you to come back and visit us often!

Website hacking is not what this post is about, however.

Renee' and I would like to ask all of you who are praying for us to ramp up your prayers during these next few months. I don't know why. Some claim it's the drastic atmospheric pressure changes that bring in incredible winds and dust storms. I think it has more to do with the spiritual climate that we live in, rather than the meteorological one. Whatever the case may be, we have faced some of our most intense spiritual conflict during the Spring for the past two years. This Spring seems to be shaping up to be not much different.

    Pray that we will abide in Jesus.

    Pray that our marriage will also abide in Jesus.

    Pray that we will be in a place to be spiritually sensitive enough to recognize the enemy and his ploys.

    Pray that our minds and our children's minds will be kept pure and Christ-centered.

    Pray that we will stay on task with ministry at the Student Center.

    Pray that our devotional lives will be guarded and that we will all be vigilant in that battle.

    Pray that our "love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that (we) may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11).

We are so grateful to all who are praying for us. We ask that in the midst of the Spring storms (both meteorological and spiritual!) you will send out a storm of prayer, that the Kingdom will go forward ... and we know the gates of hell will not stand.

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