
The Feast of Vernal Equinox

Four of us went stayed in a small ger (small, round Mongolian tent) in the countryside outside of Ulaanbaatar this weekend - it happened to be the day tides turn and we start getting a little more sunshine up here in the North.

Our Ger and a Dog

We intended to do a little fishing, but that didn't happen. The River was frozen solid, so we just hiked up and down the river and climbed a couple of nearby bluffs, instead.

Frozen Fish


We ate well, discussed life, theology and ministry, stargazed, laughed a lot - and celebrated God's goodness together. So, in spite of frozen rivers and continued sub-freezing temperatures it was a great weekend ... and we now know where to go catch some fish when the Spring thaws actually salvage the river from winter's grip.


Interior Fellowship


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